『アカウミガメの保全への新たな一歩 ~仔ガメの生態解明へ、国内初の国際共同研究スタート~』(2024年12月3日)
※ウミガメのロストイヤーズ(Lost Years):孵化した仔ガメがどのように海洋を回遊し成長しているのか、その期間の生態研究はとても困難で、ウミガメ研究における最大の謎のひとつです。
“A New Step Toward the Conservation of Loggerhead Turtles”
STEL has initiated Japan’s first international collaborative study on juvenile loggerhead sea turtles in partnership with Upwell and Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium.
Twelve 3-month-old loggerhead turtles, reared at Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, have been fitted with micro-satellite tags to track their movements and behavior. The collected data will be analyzed to gain deeper insight into the migratory ecology of these young turtles.
This study aims to shed light on the early life stage of loggerhead turtles, known as the “Lost Years”—a critical period characterized by low survival rates—and to contribute to the conservation of this endangered species.
What are the “Lost Years”?
The “Lost Years” refers to the period when juvenile sea turtles migrate through the open ocean. As this phrase is extremely difficult to study due to the challenges of tracking them, making it one of the most profound mysteries in sea turtle life history.
Photos: Okuyama(STEL), Okinawa Commemorative National Government Park (Ocean Expo Park) / Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium